Friday, November 03, 2006

The world is our toilet

Seriously, when you're on a truck with 25 other people you're bound to need a potty break every 2 hours or so. And when you're driving through the barren landscape of the Sahara desert the potty is the side of the road. This is how it goes: Someone pushes the buzzer to signal driver to stop. Then people pile out the back. The girls hike over whatever cover there is, usually some mound of dirt if any, and do their business while the boys walk 30 feet from the truck and empty their bladders with their backs to the truck. You very quickly learn that a bum is a bum, some are just whiter than others.


Anonymous said...

Hope you stocked up on toilet paper.

mary said...

you betcha.. toilet paper is always at the top of people's shopping list when we hit a town. infact, it's already been used as a currency for bartering.