Monday, November 06, 2006

new toys

Since we won't be around as much to blog for you, I thought I'd have some fun and give you a googlemap to track our trip. I don't pretend that it works well, but click on the "interactive map" link to the right here or got to and you can follow along with maps when we aren't here to entertain you. It only shows our trip since Turkey, but I'll get around to the earlier parts when I can track down all the latitude and longitude coordinates for cities in the other countries..

I also got photos for Dahab, Cairo and Luxor up.



Thomas Hentschel said...

"11/13: Wadi Halfa
Ferry to Sudan across Lake Nasser"

Hmm, did they finally rebuild that thing? The ferry burned out sometime in the 80's, and that was it -- no getting across into the Sudan there (at least when we came thru in 89).

steve said...

hey thomas. got any tips for sudan and ethiopia?

don't know about the fire, but the ferry apparently sank, killing 200 people 6 months ago.

the good news is that we didn't take it. the bad news is that we were left in aswan as our traveling group sailed off to wadi haifa.

i'll save the interesting details for the blog, but we are in khartoum now waiting for our group to show up. they're 2 days behind their itinerary...