Friday, August 04, 2006

Islands in the Sea

We're hopping through the Greek Islands now on our way to Turkey. We've been through Paros and Santorini so far. We head to Mykonos tomorrow and probably Samos after that. Samos is then swimming distance to Turkey.

The islands really do look like every postcard you've ever seen. The whitewashed cubist houses cling to each other and the cliffs. Walkways and streets form a maze

apparently meant to confuse pirates before tourists. The only part that I don't care for is that the popular islands we've been on are completely dedicated to tourism with maybe some agriculture in the back yard. It is a little sad to see villages made entirely of marble that have been whitewashed to fit into the postcard images tourists want to see. On the other hand, they do look pretty cool.

Here's a bit of the rest of Santorini. These first two are from the tiny inner islands of the caldera, one of which is still volcanically active and last blew steam in the 1920s or so and have warm and sulfur springs.

Red Beach on the southeast

These cool shades were found on the beach at Kamala. They're all the rage here.


Anonymous said...

Looking relaxed and tanned. That red mud in the water looks therapeutic. And the shades bring out the gleam in your eyes!

Thomas Hentschel said...

Mykonos should feel like California: drugs are cheap and plentyful, white beaches with good looking life guards, and lotsa houses you'd wanna be invited to...

Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe a page 2 is called for???