Friday, August 04, 2006

History can be cool

You can't help but run into a few museums flaunting the cradle of civilization when traveling in Greece. They are full of the usual statuary, pottery shards, words and all, but you can only look at so much of that before your eyes cross. Here's some of the more interesting artifacts we found between Athens, Delphi and Olympia. Most of this stuff is from 2000-1000BC.

Gumby was ripped off from the ancient Mycenians.

They played ping pong (ok, it's really a mirror, but that's not interesting enough to take a picture of)

I don't recall what the real purpose of these was, but Mary wanted a pair as earings.

Good thing for me the museum shop was closed.

One theater had comical faces on it before they were stolen for the Athens Archeological Museum. Could this one be the inspiration for Yosemite Sam?

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto. It's actually an infant burial garb.

I only have eyes for you...

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