The disneyland like eatery was packed with tourists and Africans with feathers on their heads. Boma was the restaurant for game meat in Zimbabwe, but after Carnivore in Nairobi we were skeptical. Our meal was started off with some squash and roasted peanut snacks washed down with a local beer that smelled like elephant urine and tasted like a really thick, grainy hefeweisen.
For appetizers I got the ostrich and guinea fowl pate which was okay but I enjoyed Steve's smoked crocodile much more. Then we headed off to the buffet to get a small plate of salad related things before attacking the grill. There were pans filled with chicken, stir fry, ribs, and sirloin but what we were really there for were the warthog steaks, ostrich kebabs, and impala steak. We each got a plate full and rushed back to the table to dig in. We had heard such good things about the warthog and it was all true. Yum. It was a juicy, no, succulent pork prime rib. The impala steak was also very good. The ostrich kebab was good but it paled next to its neighbors on the iron plate. The ribs were finger licking good so I had to get more for my second plate along with a helping of kudu stew. The kudu reminded me of beef jerky oddly. Steve was brave and tried the mopani worm which was hairy even after being fried. They were about the size of my pinky finger and after one bite all he was said was 'that's disgusting' which I answered with a simple 'duh'. Gotta give him credit though because he did swallow it before washing it down with warthog.
My third, and fourth, plates wer dessert. The chocolate mousse was thick and rich. It tasted great with a dollop of meringue around a roasted hazelnut. We quickly found out that the warthog was best after a bite of chocolate. Somehow the sweetness of the meat was enhanced by chocolate goodness. What a wonderful discovery that was. In between bites we joined in with the drumming show and beat on the drums that we were each given, but not to the same beat.

1 comment:
hey, your feast sounds like the fondue place we went to in saratoga, or didn't you guys have good dips here.
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