Monday, June 05, 2006

The Chinese are taking over Dominica

No, really. The first sign was the oddly high number of chinese restaurants in the capital Roseau. In the downtown area, 5x5 blocks, we saw atleast 5. The second clue was all the comments from the locals consistently telling us that they own almost anything. And the final whammy was the state of the art cricket field the PR of China had donated in the capital, where 90% of the labor are chinese.

Keep in mind that the capital looks like somewhere Sally Struthers would shoot a commercial, open sewers, kids hawking fruit instead of being in school, corrugated aluminum homes, big boat in a trashed lot sitting on cement with a tarp over the top and an access hole punch out on the side, ..the works. And on the outskirts is a massive 10,000 capacity cricket field which is widely believed will never see a cricket game. And the kicker? They are in the process of converting an abandoned resort into a chinese school. Mandareole may be the most inunderstandable dialect ever. The mind wobbles.

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