Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Above us only sky

That was the tagline for the Liverpool John Lennon Airport. We stayed in a typical hostel with dorm style beds, public kitchen and play areas. It’s comfortable enough and they offer all the tea and toast we can eat which ends up being quite important as our nightly meals. The proprietor grew up at the same time as the Beatles and has all kinds of stories about beating them in a battle of the bands when they were teens and seeing John Lennon tackle a local bully for grabbing his girl. I’m sure he’s told those stories more than a thousand times as evidenced by everyone else in the room getting up and leaving when he started the tales.

We did go to the Beatles´famed Cavern Club (above) and saw a 60´s style pop band play. Yay. Beatles stuff is really everywhere. Penny Lane really has the barber shop, shelter in the middle of the turnabout, etc. Strawberry Field is...well... a field.

Otherwise, Liverpool is just as I imagined England to be, or at least saw in the movie Notting Hill. The residential areas are just rows of red brick buildings with railed stairways leading to the entrance. There are pubs everywhere and people speak a funny, unrecognizable form of English.

What did surprise us was the daylight hours. The sun rose at 4am and set at 9:30pm so it was still light at 10pm, which is what we blame for sleeping as much as we did.

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