Saturday, October 28, 2006

NOW we are ready for Africa

Sure, malaria pills might be enough for some people but when you’ve had over 150 bites more than once you need something with a little more oomph! That’s where the hand held bug zapper comes in. It was a thing of beauty to see it hidden in the pile of crap displayed in a store window on a busy street in Cairo. It looks like a toy tennis racquet but has a metal mesh and runs on two AA batteries. The store was kind enough to show us how well it worked…I was overjoyed when I saw the sparks fly. Genius!


Anonymous said...

Did you ask for the full body version where you wear it like a clean suit?

Trade in mosquito bites for electro-shock treatment. Bet it is worth it.

Anonymous said...

Right, bring lots of AA batteries in December.