Sunday, April 16, 2006

A story of Las Galeras

Every town has its stories and this is just one of many that we have heard about this one. Twenty years ago the French midget came into town and bought land from the locals for "a pair of shoes". Over time he developed and sold the land to foreigners for a pretty peso, including the land under our hotel. Well, the country has a controlled title system similar to the states, but disgruntled ex-owners and their relatives who feel they were short changed have made attempts to reclaim the land. So it was that we walked out to the garden one day and noticed a barbed wire fence blocking our access to the beach where there was none the day before. The owner sent his lawyer out within a couple of days but the fence stayed up. Why doesn't someone just cut it down we wondered? Apparently the guy responsible for the new land line was a known 'pimp-daddy' (in your best French accent), dealer, and killed a man in town by stabbing him. So the fence stayed up. Yesterday the fence was taken down for the party this weekend and today the fence is back up. So from our balcony view machete beats paper.


Anonymous said...

Sound's like Jay's family history. Maybe it's Jay's current history?

Anonymous said...

Dominican Rochambeau? Machete cuts paper, paper covers coconut, coconut breaks machete?

Anonymous said...

Just remember, those are firecrackers going off at night. Didn't you say there are only 300 people living in town? Ooooops... 299.