We started with the dolphin show and found out that dolphins in this part of the world can be pink. That's right, pink. We sat in the front row for the show and Mary got picked as a volunteer to play with one. but first, she had to do a hula hoop for us. Great show! We went back for another show a couple days later and I got picked. I can't keep the hoop up for the life of me, but I still got to play with a pink dolphin.

Next we headed for the aquarium, saw the usual, and unusual, fishies and then a dugong. That's a cousin to the manatee. At only 7 years old, Gracie is a bit smaller at just 400 pounds and cuter than a manatee. We think she looks like a big marshmallow.

We wanted to get a little closer so we jumped into the aquarium tank with her! We spent half an hour in the Singapore Underwater World aquarium feeding Gracie the dugong. How cool is that? Well, it was pretty cool. She's soft and spongy as a marsmallow. Surprisingly, her body is as stubbly as me after a couple days of not shaving. And she's cute and playful as a little puppy.
We took turns feeding her sea grass and she chomped away, going up for a breath of air now and then. She has no teeth, so we even let her munch on our fingers a bit. It tickled when she gummed the grass our of our hands.

Part of the fun was watching the tourists pass by in front of us. If you've ever wondered if fish can see you, they can. And they d

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